Yellow Seed: Global Farmer Voices

Yellow Seed designs immersive storytelling experiences that transports the audience back to the forests, fields, kitchens, and communities of global farmers.

As I wrote about in a previous project, I worked for the non-profit Yellow Seed: A Conscious Trade Project between 2014 and 2018, designing their cacao marketplace and trade platform. Recently, we relaunched as "Yellow Seed: Global Farmer Voices" with the intention of telling the often untold stories of farmers around the world. 

The first immersive storytelling experience that we created was the Wild Cacao Project. If all goes well, soon there will be many more like it. 

I designed a simple one-page website for the new Yellow Seed website, detailing our new path as a storytelling company. You can learn more about our transition to storytelling in this brilliant post on Medium by my colleague Nancy Zamierowski.

For this website, I used some of the illustrations from the Wild Cacao project created by the brilliant Brazilian illustrator and designer Ju Sting. Please check out her work–she really is a true creative genius!

Check out the live website over at! If you or an organization that you know is in need of these kinds of storytelling services, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you!

p.s. Feel free to follow me on Instagram. :)

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