Integral Center Wordpress Site

Wordpress website design for a community center in Boulder, Colorado.

The Integral Center was a community center in Boulder, Colorado, exploring the frontiers of what creates stronger relationships. I was an active member there when I lived in Boulder, and found their workshops to be concretely helpful in getting more of what I wanted out of my personal relationships.

I was very inspired to create a beautiful online presence for them, as I really wanted to help them get the word out about their highly valuable offerings. I designed a Wordpress site for them, which someone else was responsible for coding. 

As they already had an existing Wordpress site, my goal was to create a unified look and feel while still retaining the Wordpress plug-ins that they were already using and finding useful. This was a challenge, as many of these plug-ins are not as aesthetically pleasing as they could be, but I was happy with how the overall design turned out.

Over the years, I also created random graphic assets for the Integral Center, including this schedule of events for the Relational Leadership Summit in 2016.
The Integral Center sadly closed in late 2018, but you can still see information about the courses they are now offering at other locations on their website. I highly recommend both the Aletheia program and the Authentic Relating Comprehensive!

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